Graduation in:


Faculty of Science and Technology

The Faculty of Science and Technology houses The Department of Public Health Sciences which is currently ranked among the best in the country, producing highly innovative graduates who are adequately prepared to serve the community in the areas of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Not to be outdone, our science and technology students have the knowledge and skills necessary to develop large telecommunications and computer systems covering a broad range of scientific and technological applications.

On the whole, the Faculty offers a simplified approach to teaching which stimulates interest in science, engineering and technology careers. Graduates end up with a unique set of skills and new modes of thought that are attractive to employers.

Programmes Offered

Dr. Alone Kimwise

Dean, Faculty of Science & Technology (more…)
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    Diploma of Data Science and Analytics

    The Diploma of Data Science and Analytics (DDSA) is an all-inclusive two-year programme designed to equip students with essential skills for a career in the rapidly growing field of data science. This diploma focuses on providing hands-on experience with key tools and techniques used in data analysis, visualisation, and interpretation. Students will gain proficiency in fundamental aspects of machine learning and artificial intelligence, preparing them for entry-level positions in data analytics, data visualisation, and related fields.

    The curriculum is structured to ensure graduates are well-versed in the entire data science pipeline, from data acquisition and preprocessing to model building and deployment. One of the key features of the DDSA programme is its emphasis on practical, project-based learning. Students will work on real-world projects throughout the program, enhancing their practical skills and problem-solving abilities. These projects will involve working with diverse datasets, applying various data analysis techniques, and communicating insights effectively to stakeholders. Students will explore topics such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the societal impact of data-driven technologies, ensuring that they are prepared to navigate the ethical challenges that arise in the data science field.

    The DDSA programme is designed to be flexible and adaptable, catering to the needs of both recent high school graduates and working professionals looking to upskill or change careers. The programme’s strong industry connections and focus on practical applications ensure that students are well-prepared to contribute effectively in various industries, providing valuable insights through data analysis and playing a crucial role in the evolving landscape of data science and analytics.

    Graduates of the Diploma of Data Science and Analytics will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue careers in fields such as data analysis, business intelligence, market research, and customer relationship management. The programme’s emphasis on hands-on learning and ethical considerations sets it apart, producing graduates who are not only technically proficient but also socially responsible data professionals.

    Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

    The Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence programme (BSDAI) at Cavendish University Uganda (CUU) is a three-year interdisciplinary programme designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in today’s dynamic and data-driven world. This comprehensive programme integrates key concepts from computer science, mathematics, statistics, and artificial intelligence, providing students with a strong foundation for understanding and applying cutting-edge technologies through a blend of theoretical coursework and hands-on projects.

    Students will develop expertise in areas such as:

    • Data acquisition, processing, and analysis
    • Machine learning and deep learning algorithms
    • Natural language processing and computer vision
    • Predictive modeling and decision-making
    • Ethical and responsible data practices


    The curriculum is structured to ensure that graduates are well-prepared to tackle the challenges and opportunities presented by the exponential growth of data and the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence. Students will gain proficiency in programming languages, data visualisation tools, and industry-standard software, enabling them to translate their knowledge into practical solutions. Through collaborative projects and real-world case studies, students will learn to work in multidisciplinary teams, fostering the interpersonal skills necessary for success in the data science and AI fields.

    Graduates of the BSDAI programme will be equipped to pursue a wide range of career paths, including data scientist, machine learning engineer, business intelligence analyst, and AI research scientist. The program’s strong industry connections and emphasis on practical applications ensure that students are well-prepared to contribute to the growing demand for data-driven decision-making and intelligent systems in various sectors, such as healthcare, finance, marketing, and smart city development.

    Master of Information Technology

    Master of Information Technology (MIT) program is designed on the belief that IT is at the core of every business and that successful organizations must have IT leaders who possess a strong understanding of both technology and essential business and management principles. Read More

    Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

    What does it take to write great code? To create applications that can change the world? Earn your Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering from Cavendish University Uganda and find out how great applications are written. Study in an environment with state of the art facilities tailored for your growth and gain the tools to succeed in today’s competitive digital world.

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    Bachelor of Environmental Health Science

    Even as we deliver cures for the diseases that exist, the environment is consistently changing. There is need for professionals who know how to respond effectively to deteriorating environmental conditions that affect human health with a view to proposing possible solutions. This allows for longevity and sustainability of the human race.

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    Bachelor of Information Technology

    The world runs on technology, and few things give you a bigger boost in life than acquiring the knowledge to operate this technology. Whether you want to run network systems or become the next Steve Jobs, a degree in IT will point you in the right direction.

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    Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology

    From Internet banking and online shopping, to communications and location-based services, businesses today are now investing in IT as a strategic enabler, relying on the Internet as a business platform.Be part of the innovative digital industry and solve complex problems with a Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology.

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    Master of Public Health

    Doctors save lives, but they can’t do it without administrative support. They need skilled leaders that can design policies and implement strategies which benefit patients as well as medics. They need Public Health experts to do the hard work of managing medicine so that doctors can focus on healing.

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    Bachelor of Public Health

    Doctors know the treatments that heal diseases, and the preventative measures that keep patients healthy. But who helps them with medical policies that keep hospitals open, or strategic planning that gets mobile clinics to remote areas. Public Health Scientists. Study with us and become your favourite doctor’s hero.

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    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

    Do you have a mathematical mind that can rival calculators? Are you interested in the intricacies of binary and software development? Do you reach for your keyboard with new algorithms that could solve the world’s problems? A computer science degree will grant you the credentials to transfer your inbuilt skills to a whole new generation.

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    Enrol Now for Programmes in Law, IT, Socio Economic Sciences and Business at CUU

    Imoter Tijah | Cavendish Uganda University

    CUU offers affordable tuition, state-of-the-art lecture halls and the serene study environment.

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    Shyka Lwanaga | Cavendish University Uganda

    Education is the only way to transform the world. – Nelson Mandela

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