This Faculty imparts practical, measurable, active business principles and thought patterns that impact positively on students’ ability to succeed as entrepreneurs, executives or employees. The combination of skills taught puts our graduates at the head of the pack in the areas of business and management.
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You might have heard that the secret to business can’t be found in books. Luckily for you, when you take this course, you will acquire applicable business skills and get plenty of hands-on experience. You’ll have to do some reading, but at Cavendish, you’ll learn much more than theory.
Recent industry feedback indicates a strong market demand for graduates with project management acumen built on a broader base of skill sets, ranging from the arts, education, science, law to various other disciplines. These unique combinations of skills develop highly innovative and dynamic project management leaders who are able to gain traction across a wide variety of industries and social sectors.
Sometimes in life, you have a lot to do and not much time to do it. When your position is time-barred, it helps to find the most effective way to spend it. A Postgraduate Diploma packs massive volumes of practical, hands-on business knowledge that you can apply directly into running your business.
What does it take to be a good HRM? People skills are useful, and a gift of the gab. It also helps to have good networks and a rich contact base. Studying at Cavendish University Uganda will offer all this and more. You will make friendships that will last a lifetime, and connections that will boost your career. Plus, you will graduate with a top notch degree.
Be a leader, not a follower!
This programme covers both the breadth and the inter-disciplinary aspect of business as a whole. It balances conceptual knowledge with an applied curriculum that is also suitable for vast positions in various industries such as Finance, Marketing, Human Resource and others.
Every good business begins with a seed that cropped up in an ambitious mind. That seed was nurtured, fed, and watered, until it grew into a powerful business tree. Many business-people learned through painful mistakes and disastrous experiences, but you don’t have to. Get a leg up with a Master of Business Administration.
The backbone of any institution is its bookkeepers. They make financial decisions and steer the organization towards security, stability, and profitability. And it’s not just about making the numbers add up. It’s also about smart fiscal thinking. Acquire the skills and commercial acumen to lead your team to the next level.
Logistics are the key to any successful venture. You have to be clear about what the company needs, where to find it, and how to get it at the best possible acquisition cost. It takes a finely honed thought process to ensure this happens, and this degree will get you there.
You often hear about successful business moguls that dropped out of school, but many times, that’s not the whole story. Larry Page and Sergey Brin were drop-outs, but they didn’t drop out of a bachelor’s course. They dropped out of their PhD. Which means you need to at least get to this level before you consider quitting school to pursue business.
Having a talented team can make the difference between a company that’s barely surviving and an organization that is thriving in its field. The more skilled your employees are, the bigger the effort involved in keeping them happy and fulfilled. Become a HR Master to learn how to manage labour resources.
Your degree won’t get you hired. All it does is get you into the interview room. After that, you need marketable skills, character, and resourcefulness. Get all this and more at Cavendish University Uganda, and we’ll teach you about taxes and bookkeeping too.
Get the skills you need to keep your team on track. Ensure that your team has all the equipment they need, and make strategic plans for supplies, so that your business to runs smoothly on a day to day basis. Armed with this degree, you can effectively supply your organization.
Everybody wants to be a banker, because they believe that if you spend all that time around money, some of it will rub off on you. Getting into the bank is easy. Making your way to the top of the financial hierarchy needs skill, ambition, and expertise. A Cavendish University Uganda finance degree is an excellent place to start.