The Cavendish University Uganda Careers and Employability office delivers graduates to a marketplace, through preparation to gain, retain, sustain, and leave employment. It has a team made up of professional, skillful and competent staff with several years of experience in careers and employability coaching, and linking graduates to employers, entrepreneurs to founders, and innovators to investors. We are the Centre of Excellence in Graduate Preparation for Post University Employment.
Are you feeling a bit stressed and overwhelmed about your choice of careers and Employability? Does it feel as if everyone else knows what they want to do? And you are worried you might have left things a bit late? Do not worry, The Careers and Employability Office is here for you.
How can we help you?
Use our Self-discovery Guide.
Start writing a CV with the help of our CV Guide.
Attend our Careers and Employability events to get some ideas.
Self-discovery Guide.
The Self-discovery Guide will help you identify the things that matter to you most by choosing Careers and Employability. In trying to respond to the questions below, do not overthink yours responds or even pressure yourself to get it right. Your thoughts and ideas are likely to change in the future. The objective is just to think about what interests, skills and values matter to you the most now.
What am I good at? – think about your strengths
What am I interested in? – think about topics as well as tasks
What’s important to me? – think about your values
At any stage in your Careers and Employability, thinking through the above questions will help you to reflect on the experiences, your skills and motivations in order to move forward in planning your next steps. You can use these resources at any time. Revisit them either each Semester or annually as part of your Careers and Employability development plan.
The Careers and Employability Office runs a diverse selection of fairs, events, and skill sessions year-round. Attendees benefit from meeting employers, learning if they would be a good ft in a range of companies, and discovering the skills they need to develop in order to secure any roles of interest.
During the opening of each semester, we run mandatory Careers and Employability Orientation for freshmen. We run our events, fairs, festivals and Careers Essentials programme synchronously to benefit the distance learning and on campus students using Google meet and zoom.
The Careers and Employability Office runs a diverse selection of fairs, events and skill sessions year-round. Attendees beneft from meeting
employers, learning if they would be a good ft in a range of companies, and discovering the skills they need to develop in order to secure any roles of interest.
Duringopening of each semester, we run mandatory Careers and Employability Orientation for freshmen. We run our events, fairs, festivals
and Careers Essentials programme synchronously to beneft the distance learning and on campus students using Google meet and zoom.