
Call for Papers for CULJ

The Commissioning Editor, Cavendish University Law Journal (CULJ) hereby issues a call for submission of abstracts for papers to be published in the next issue of this Journal. Interested Authors can send in their manuscript for review to the Commissioning Editor, Cavendish University Law Journal, Faculty of Law, Plot 30 Bukoto Street, Lower Kololo, Kamwokya, Kampala, Uganda.

a. Aims and Scope

  • Law and Markets,
  • International Trade Law,
  • World trade Organisation Law and Policy and Regional Markets,
  • Law of Banking and Finance (Syndicated and other secondary Loan Markets),
  • World Bank and International Monetary Fund,
  • Financial Crimes such as Corruption and Money laundering counter-measures, Terrorism,
  • Law and Development,
  • Corporate Governance,
  • Jurisprudence,
  • Human Rights,
  • International Institutions and Environmental Law,
  • Forced Migration and Refugee Law,
  • Law of Natural Resources and many other areas.

b. Writing Style and referencing

CULJ recommends that authors follow Oxford Standard Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) in citing data sources (use of footnotes not in-text referencing) in all submitted manuscripts for publication. CULJ upholds high ethical standards in ensuring all papers for publication are peer reviewed and are thoroughly checked for plagiarism.

All submitted manuscripts must be original contributions and not under concurrent review in any other Journal.

Submitted papers should not exceed ten thousand (10,000) words and MUST include the authors name, academic institution/s he or she is affiliated, authors contact details (emails and telephone number), the abstract to include the objectives and methodology used in writing submitted papers. Submissions can be conceptual, theoretical, empirical or doctrinal in content and scope.

c. Statement on Copy rights

Articles and other submissions are accepted on the understanding that copyrights are exclusively assigned to Cavendish University Law Journal. However, authors are free to cite materials from their published articles in other works. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that the manuscripts submitted to CULJ do not infringe on copyrights of other authors.

Authors are to submit papers through Mr. Godfrey Ayeranga at not later than 30th November 2024.

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